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Becoming Love Has Won


There are videos all over YouTube etc. that are mostly redundant and regurgitated info making it much harder to follow the sequence of events.


This is a very deep hole with very long tentacles. My aim is to fill in the missing gaps.




2.16.14 Dunsmuir, CA


There are two groups this site is the focus of. 
1 created Mother God
1 Killed her

The Galactic Free Press
Group #1
Love Has Won, Mother God, Amy Carlson, Love Has Won Cult

Amy Carlson - Stroud, Lady E, Lia Amiel, Lia, FMG, "Mommy G", Mother God

Mother of All Creation

Galactic Free Press

Amerith Whiteeagle, Love Has Won Exposed 2.0, Amy Carlson, Love Has Won Cult

Robert Saltsgaver

"Amerith WhiteEagle"

Will Harader, Love Has Won Exposed 2.0, Amy Carlson, Love Has Won Cult

Will Harader

Father God #1

Self Appointed God

Galactic Free Press

Chief Technology / 

Financial Officer

Galactic Free Press

Group #2
Love Has Won
Love Has Won, Mother God, Amy Carlson, Love Has Won Cult

Mother God, Jesus, Cleopatra,

Joan Of Arc etc. etc.


Love Has Won

Migue Lamboy, Love Has Won Exposed 2.0, Amy Carlson, Love Has Won Cult
Avigail Lowes, Faith, Love Has Won Exposed 2.0, Amy Carlson, Love Has Won Cult

Miguel Lamboy

Silver, Michael Silver,

Archangel Michael

Avigail Lowes


Chief Financial /

 Technology Officer

FCGCT / Love Has Won

Master Manipulator

Recruiting Manager /

Fake Healer

Love Has Won

Over a decade and counting.


After the Galactic Free Press,

the spin offs continue...

Sound of heart

Awakening Daily

First contact ground crew

The Rainbow Bridge to Freedom

Unity Community

Love has won

5D Full Disclosure17

5D Full Disclosure

5D University

Daily Disclosure

Joy Rains

Jason & John Father team . . . . . .



Where is Amerith? Is he still hiding in the woods laughing about how he got out of the spotlight?


Where is Will? Is he still Googling answers to be recited to THEIR followers?


Where is Miguel? Did he ever have any cancer?


Where is Avigail? Who is she "healing" now?


Amy was NOT the only one that wanted followers!

A brief overview of my experience:

I enjoyed the Galactic Free Press articles on the website, found it in 2011, later joined in tineychat, submitted a resume, thinking they were a legit media since that's my background. After I arrived in Dunsmuir in 2012, they made it clear they wanted me to stay with them and not "need" to pay rent in my own home... I wasn't interested.

I did however spend a lot of time in their house, over about a year and a half, helped them clean occasionally because it was as disgusting as you could possibly imagine and then some.

At that time, they were hosting love parties on Tiny chat. They would all be on different computers in their own house pretending to be several different people to make it look like there were more people in the room. You would only know that if you were actually in their house and not in yours, on a camera.

Went on a camping trip they hosted, where they expected 144,000 people to show up, there were 3.

During this time, Amerith was quite disturbed that I wanted to actually speak to Amy. It was his show! In his house he was king! You don't talk to anybody but him or the insults began.

When he demanded that I KNEEL in front of him, as he was GOD, I refused.

Hence Lillith 🤣

Jason is exactly like Amerith in speak, behavior, and abuse, just not as loud or as violent.

Amerith took a replacement twin flame who was much much younger and did not smell like fish, like Amy, according to him.

Amy made her 1st attempt for a second Twin Flame, with a 17 year old that she ooozed all over, that walked to and from his 3D work, as part of his mission to them, and handed his 3D paycheck over to them while he stayed with them.

I actually took this kid for a long walk at the park and had to explain to him that his mommy and daddy are getting a divorce and that they're not God. Poor kid was completely devastated since Will baptized him in the river and told him he was Jesus. The kid was literally about to start wearing robes and sandals.

Amy finally found and kept Jason after the many attempts most of you have witnessed since. He became her shirtless slave he was substantially younger than Amerith and in better physical shape. I did not say attractive, just the only one crazy enough to take the job that could still do push-ups.

Miguel was actually jealous he never became a Father god. Miguel and Amy came to my house after Amerith took his second twin, trying to move into my house!

Miguel helped open the door for Jason and kept it open because it made his job of controlling the environment and encouraging Amy's addictions so much easier.

They all stole and used a combination of other religions doctrines, spiritual knowledge & practices etc, with political, medical and educational specialties in the mix, and claim them as their own with a Twist, they were God with a capital G.

They completely degraded and misused the work of others as their Foundational "teaching".

They specifically look for & recruit neophytes. The more money, assets & connections they have the better.

People were not ready to research what I posted in Reddit in 2019. Some were still not ready in 2023.


Most just talked shit & speculated with their own personal opinion on top. I believe things could have ended very differently for Amy, and so many others if the info was researched, back then, so I created this in 2019.


It's now Jan 2024 and more people are ready to find the truth, and the criminals, since the HBO documentary aired, and the followers/trolls as well as the leading characters, have tried to shut me down, again.


I'm getting trolled hard from The Galactic Free Press and several of the others. The links have been changed on my posts, false complaints made having my posts removed, even had a "mental health" check in from Reddit (resolved of course, in my favor) and, a Father God. (or 2) have reached out . . . etc.

So, I'll continue to add stuff to this site for now. This is just the beginning.


I'm pleased you found this.



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