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HER "Light-workers" battled her?

Will Harader, Ameith Whiteagle, The Galactic Free Press, Love Has Won Exposed 2.0, Amy Carlson, Love Has Won Cult

Amy's live rant during the early months of Love Has Won 2014

Who were "her" light-workers?


Why did "her" light-workers "battle" her?

Where are "her" light-workers now?


What do "her" light-workers know?


​​Who was present during that rant?


Who encouraged the use of the stimulants that brought her to that level of anger?


The Galactic Free Press Breakdown 2014


The below is an email from a member of the original "first contact ground crew team", "earth allies" at The Galactic Free Press,To Amy & Amerith, Will and the entire GPF "team" He then also forwarded the mail to me.



This is from A VERY young man that got caught in the Galactic Free Press shit and after dedicating 24/7 of his life to the "mission" realized what their "mission" really was, and "battled" Amerith, Amy & Will.


Miguel, Silver at the time, saw an opportunity he couldn't resist and was was still quietly behind the curtain planning his "rescue" of Amy.

Date: Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 8:32 PM
Subject: Here's the Truth.


This was something I was supposed to send on the GFP Thread but it got too long cause there's just too much.


Ok, so I am fed up with all the bullshit that has been going on. I have been observing things for a while now for half an year but the breaking point  was when Rain,Michelle and Doreen got “fired” and arica and Karen got banned. Then I started asking question like what the fuck is going on here and what are we doing? IS THIS TRULY UNCONDITIONAL LOVE?Who put you in charge of controlling who gets to do their mission of sharing real information, the truth and being love and who doesn’t. Just cause you think you’re MotherFatherGod that doesn’t mean you get to do that.  For weeks you, Amy have been saying that Rain was clear and she did released most of her stuff and she has worked on her EVERYTHING and that she has only residual stuff in her field. So then you decided to fire her for bringing up  the fact that Amerith has a LOT of issues and so even if that wasn’t true, we could have still worked it out TOGETHER AS A FAMILY. what happened to freedom of speech?! Better in than out LOL. but what did he do ? his ego got offended (he went into pity party, probably) and he removed himself for a while and then he silenced  the ones who spoke the truth, through you, Amy(MotherGod) cause we both know that wasn’t your decision, that was his and he manipulated you in doing that, well of course you’re not a victim. And that’s exactly what the Cabal have been doing for so long, silencing the people who spoke the Truth and that’s fascism, and this was not the first time this is happening, why did you banned Lulu? Remember Lulu? Oh yeah, she’s a STRONG GODDESS WHO WON’T TAKE ANY BULLSHIT(she should be a good example for you,Amy,don’t get JEALOUS,*Wink* but it’s true). He FatherGod(Amerith) also told you to not even talk to any of them, and tell them why they were even fired (maybe because it was out of his control, and they could actually change your mind, Amy, because deeply inside you know all this is true, but he is such a great manipulator that you got so tricked and you actually believed everything he said, and that’s only because you’re SO insecure, silver was right about that and you started relying on Amerith more than yourself, maybe cause they are male? And you’re still caught up in the old Dysfunctional woman relies on the man thing? Who knows, the point is you do not trust yourself or other women, but you do trust men a lot more, why? Maybe because you’re looking for Love outside yourself? And you can’t fill that hole, and you do not love yourself). And also you wanted to wait and “deal” with them(rain,Doreen and the others) after silver would get there, but again he(Amerith) probably knew you could change your mind, and he manipulated you in doing that now (again, you’re not a victim, but unconscious). Also, one of the first things you said to rain was that if you talk to her he’s gonna get mad, because he told you not to do that, but im sure deep inside you appreciated rain’s work, cause she did work her ass off on the press 24/7 like we all did and so you did called her. And Nobody deserves to be tossed like you (or amerith) did with them, and not even talk to them and why they are “fired” , I mean at least that. And let’s just say even if they were in ego (but they were not, after all this time rain for example was the one who stood up for you the most, and like really tried to observe everything from every angle ego/2/3/4/5D) and assist you, and She did assist you a lot also in transforming all your crappy energy(Me including for that matter) You clearly forgot that. they did deserve to be treated with Love and respect and kindness, which clearly you forgot what that is too.

There has been so much crap going on that its even hard to write everything down because All of this has been based mostly on lies, manipulation, control and you all did such a great job masking yourselves as Love.  But most important its ALL FANTASY and it’s funny that you are the ones who invented the word spiritual ego but all this time it was all about you. You forgot we, and everybody else is a mirror, cause you thought of yourselves being in full consciousness and this whole thing started when you both decided that you were MFG. So maybe you did come here with a special mission, but so did many other people, and that doesn’t make you MFG. So the spiritual ego is all about you, well mostly cause I have to admit there are more people in fantasy about stuff, the cabal did such a great job infiltrating the spiritual community, gotta give them credit for that. You got stuck somewhere, I don’t know where, or how, but im sure you do know deeply that’s what happened, and you invented all these fantasies and the fact that you’re in full consciousness. So even if you saw ego in other people, it would never be about you(cause you’re in full consciousness and you can’t possibly have that, probably humanity’s fear pan and suffering, right right)always about them and that’s completely not true,(talking about tricky tricky ego and fantasies) and that’s why you got stuck because you stopped shifting and releasing baggage, so now all of your issues can’t stay hidden anymore, which is why everybody has been observing your behavior and Humanity is really awakening so they are not falling for fantasy anymore. It has never been about them and how they are in ego and they can’t take your energy, it has almost always been about you. An example of that, would be the fact that amerith or you said that people are draining you of your energy, like rain and the others, but that’s actually amerith projecting stuff, cause HE IS THE ONE DRAINING EVERYBODY’S ENERGY, and here’s the reason why he spent more time in tinychat lately, to feed off everybody’s energy CAUSE THE ILLUSION’S ENERGY IS GONE and the Cabal and the other takers and holding on to the last bit of Energy that’s left. what happened to Love mirroring Love?! Isn’t it what it’s all about ?! So you definitely know that  is true, no one is draining you of energy but your own egos, and I do feel right now that he’s an energy vampire and a lot of people know, felt and observed how Amerith is manipulating the energy and controlling people.(No one’s really a victim, of course, but that it’s what’s happening) Do you really think you can go on and defend Amerith’s behavior when it’s so obvious to many people what it’s happening, and everybody SEES THE TRUTH NOW. Like his alcohoolism( No judgement,I have observed things and myself and didn’t get involved emotionally at all and I have to make sure that what im seeing it’s not about me at all, and btw the thing that you say that whatever you see it’s ALWAYS you, it’s a bullshit belief system and it's the the thing that confused me most, cause that's NOT ALWAYS TRUE,  and a way of controlling people and “brilliance see brilliance, well how is sexual harassment and exploiting people for your own benefit, especially goddesses for their own benefit BRILLIANT? And how is slapping a woman on the face with your dick BRILLIANT? And exposing your penis in the chatroom to an 18 years old girl?! What happened to respect towards one another? ). What was the reason you left crestone, Colorado?! Maybe cause  there was an inappropriate sexual situation with Amerith and a young woman ?! (No judgement, Im not judging, but again what happened to respect towards one another?) And of course he always blames the goddesses’s Ego or whatever that’s bullshit too and you believed it too, amy. Why? are the goddesses not taking crap anymore?! Are the goddesses standing UP AFTER ALL THESE YEARS TO CREATE THE BALANCE WE’VE ALL TALKED ABOUT ?! The goddesses are Example for you too, Amy. THEY STAND UP AND DO NOT TAKE CRAP ANYMORE FROM ANYBODY. Oh also you do stereotype people A LOT and label them, which just creates more inequality. You do know that too, well, somewhere deep inside. Please, PLEASE, Amy think about all of this.

Another example of you mirroring and projecting your shit would be when you told rain she was pretending (when she was actually speaking her heart out, and trying to assist you both, and trying to communicate with you and get all these issues worked ou and you invented all that crap which is really all about yourselves and you know thatt) that actually you are  the ones who are pretending and are also hidden, and you lack REAL COMMUNICATION. You told her she hates herself, but we both know that’s not true, it’s actually you both who hate yourselves. A person who loves herself doesn’t abuse her body and themselves by drinking so much alcohool. And that’s a fact. I mean, cmon, you don’t have to drink that much alcohool to be in joy. And  no matter if you call them tools or whatever, we know true and real joy never comes from the outside.Talking about WALKING THE TRUTH. I drink too, and I did drank a lot too a few times and No matter how “5d” you are, man too much is too much, you know you can also open up to the minions, I mean, durh, amerith is probably a minion's handler too.  Also, you have been lying to yourselves and your egos tricked you so freaking much and twisted everything for your own benefit, and full consciousness means being in joy every moment and you are not in joy every moment obviously(so stop lying to yourselves). Blame it on the energy transforming, but of course you have energy to transform when Amerith gives you shit. Durh, it’s not Humanity it’s both of you. And also, we are transforming energy for ourselves and just in case you are transforming energy for humanity, well, it’s not only the two of you. And Humanity did such big progress I’ve seen it everywhere, and they are so intuitive, most of them have no idea they are releasing everything that doesn’t bring them Joy( BUT THEY ARE,I’ve seen that and It's so brilliant and really intuitive, they might not call it EGO, but KUDOS to Humanity )It’s HUMANITY AND EVERYBODY WHO IS TRANSFORMING THEIR ENERGY! Another projection thing is saying rain and the others are creating drama when we both know it’s actually Amerith who creates almost all this drama, and You do that sometimes too.Most of the people who came in the room or have been on the team HAVE BEING GENUINELY NICE,LOVING AND KIND.  EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US IS A DIVINE MIRROR! PERIOD.

Ok so now the new fantasy Amerith created is the companion  relationship, and how that’s supposed to bring Humanity to a new level and complete the twin flame relationship, when until now you said, and we do know  it’s true that the twin flame is the real completion and you’ve said until now that only the twin flame relationship can go to 5D.  This is not about humanity or your twin flame relationship it’s about Amerith getting laid, which is perfectly ok, no judgement, but he really twisted the whole thing for his own benefit. And you again believed it.And your unconsciousness searched for another man to control you(but im not gonna get into that subject, you know best what im talking about)It’s just all over again, manipulation, its not SHIFTING its twisting the truth all over again. And that’s exactly how a fantasy is created, and shared it on the press for everybody to buy it. And why all of that?! For yours or his own benefit or both.

Did you ever questioned yourself why the team never expands?! Well of course you did, and you blamed it on the ego (guess what blame is, anyways). It’s not because they do not handle your energy or are not ready or their ego or whatever, it’s because everybody at some point sees how dysfunctional and fucked up this whole thing is and they choose to leave, cause it’s not Love, It’s obvious, eventhough you think you are being Love Only. Man, that’s a lot of unconsciousness masked as Love.  

Also, that’s why the Unity Project never works, in the team and with other lightworkers and LOVE Beings, because you do not accept people unconditionally, you say you do, but you don’t and then blame it on the Ego when in Reality some of them are so clear and such Pure Love Beings. And that’s why after so many years you hadn’t really accomplished to get a BIGGER group of people, because you’re SO deep in ego and fantasy you actually think you’re in Unity but you’re not, why?! And this is funny BIG EGOS CAN’T BE IN UNITY! You said that, it’s actually ALL YOU. The other people already started being in Unity and there are more and more people uniting,and releasing a lot of programming crap but Of course you can’t see that because you live in your own bubble, the three of you. And you're already Oh so fully conscious. Jeez.

Did you tell everybody on the team that Amerith said you created all these bitches and now you have clean your mess? Im talking about rain Doreen and michelle and pretty much all of us.(Not offended, just in case you guys think that, I just don’t give a fuck anymore about anything anyone thinks, see? That’s the only thing amerith actually teached me, wonderful experience this is if you know to learn and the the best parts from people, MIRRORS.wonderful process, I am so blessed to be able to do that)Anyways. So did he just called such beautiful souls a mess?   How fucked up is that?  jeez. You are making such a big deal out of the Ego, when in Reality you guys are the ones with the biggest ego, and this is funny and ironic.  Amy you did help so many people( including me, you were right, IT’S ALL ABOUT UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and ONLY LOVE IS REAL) BUT YOU TOTALLY FORGOT TO APPLY THAT TO YOURSELF AND HELP YOURSELF AND DIDN’T LET ANYONE ELSE HELP YOU EITHER CAUSE YOU’RE IN “FULL CONSCIOUSNESS” BUT YOU STILL HAVE SO MANY ISSUES AND NO, IM NOT PROJECTING I CHECKED THAT ALREADY SO MANY TIMES, THOSE ARE NOT MINE, IN FACT THAT’S THE ONLY REASON I STAYED UNTIL NOW,TO MAKE SURE IT IS NOT ME, I ALWAYS FELT SOMETHING’S REALLY FUCKED UP NO MATTER HOW YOU LOOK AT IT, I). Or maybe you did ask for assistance in your way, but from Amerith who you thought was in Full consciousness too but all he did was being abusive with you,twist the truth for his own benefit and you know that.Such well made fantasies. WOW!  Think about it, Amy PLEASE! I am begging you just open your eyes and stop being so ignorant, PLEASE, PUT ALL THE PIECES TOGETHER, TRUTH IS OBVIOUS NOW. JUST TRY! and try opening Amerith’s eyes too, cause he’s the most unconscious of All that’s obvious, but im guessing his BIG EGO will just twist the TRUTH again, as usual. Im not even sure if he does that unconsciously or he’s aware he’s doing that.

Anyways, I know what you’re going to say now: that I flipped out or im in ego, or im minion controlled or spinning, I honestly don’t care,but you know thats not true. You also know im a crystal, and I might get involved in the illusion for a while,but I do wake up and break Free from this whole control paradigm masked as Love, it’s just more tricky.And this is like a second awakening for me, personally, and im sure for many other people was. IT’S TIME YOU GUYS DO THAT! Gosh, no wonder people left the team on the 2012 portal, they are WAKING UP.

Also, the galactic free press Team(mostly) was a system based on lies,belief systems, ego, fantasy disguised as Love so that’s why it’s dissolving now because everything that’s not Love and dysfunctional is dissolving. By writing all this I do not mean to hurt any of you,Or create drama or anything(especially you, Amy. God, you have helped me so much and Im truly grateful, but, again,you forgot to help yourself at some point and now you’re pretending you’re not in Fear,Pain OR suffering) .Im also not trying to be vindictive or anything like that.It’s just that the reason why im writing all of this is to assist in waking everybody up because ego tricked everyone, and also we can just start this all over again without any fantasies and without focusing sooo much on Ego,  and more ON UNCONDITIONALL LOVE, cause we all clearly have some shit to let of, EVERYONE.(Did you know you guys say you’re not focusing on Ego so much but you actually do? And I know cause that’s what I did too LOL Shocking and Stupid but oh well)

  I, and everybody else, is opened to starting from scratch everything, forgive, forget and truly be Love in action and start building Unconditional, but THE REAL UNCONDITIONAL UNITY AND LOVE WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE CO-CREATING and Make All LOVE’s dreams REALITY like we have been talking for so long and IN REAL COMMUNICATION AND NOTHING STAYS HIDDEN CAUSE WE KNOW COMMUNICATION IS KEY BUT WE WE HAVEN’T COMMUNICATED TRUTHFULLY AT ALL.IT WAS AL ABOUT HIDING.every single time, and people have always been afraid to speak up cause they are insecure too, and of course you guys would blame the ego, gosh.But not many of you are COMPLETELY HONEST and that’s why there’s  so many shit going right now.Maybe we are supposed to be working together, maybe there has to be a new beginning and THIS IS THE NEW LEVEL EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT. The galactic free press  does share some good information, so that’s why it was confusing for many people, including me, but it’s not Love Only.I dedicated myself on working for the Press 24/7 and you all know that, but it all just turned out to be A DYSFUNCTIONAL SYSTEM. Also, Amy, I know you are all about Love and about serving Love, but unfortunately like many others you got stuck in some fantasies,like Amerith and will(probably, oh also, who’s the follower, will?! You keep talking about followers and how everybody is a follower, but who’s the follower really? Did you ever think about that?, jeez. It can’t be more obvious, come on) too. you can get back on track at every moment. WE ARE ALWAYS HERE FOR YOU, ALL OF US,AND FOR ANY OF YOU, TO OFFER SUPPORT, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, AND  ASSISTANCE in whatever way we can I am sure and  I am so grateful for this experience cause it teached me a LOT and maybe this was supposed to happen cause im sure it teached a lot of other people stuff too.This, lying to people,taking adventage and exploiting people in the name of Love ( unconsciously I im sure) can’t continue because it’s not Love, of course no one’s a victim, but it has to dissolve at some point. Look at the clock it’s 11:11. SURPRISE! WAKEY WAKEY, LOVES.  Oh, and Im “firing” Myself. CAUSE I GET TO DECIDE THAT, NO ONE ELSE BUT ME.That doesn’t mean im abandoning the mission, No, it means im starting a new One, which is sharing Love Only, Love TRULY FINDS A WAY! . AND I LOVE YOU ALL UNCONDITIONALLY! I REALLY  DO! But we need a new beginning. Let’s just say we are all in transition right now and I am just trying to assist you(Amerith and Amy, cause you are BOTH really brilliant people,and you did figure some stuff out but you also got yourselves with BIG Fantasy egos) and the others on the team, LET GO OF THE FANTASY BAGGAGE. I am currently doing the same, trust me,and I am keeping Only what I feel it’s UNCONDITIONAL Love,  all this can no longer stay hidden.  Illusion imploding on itself, here it is with GFP. And, again, if you think im flipping out or spinning or got influenced or whatever,No, just know I really am not,I am so happy  and I do feel so liberated and Free. I checked myself and I did flipped out a few times during this period,well No Wonder LOL, I know how that is and feels, I did observe myself every moment  to make sure it’s really not me. It’s really not. I TRULY AM HAPPY NOW!  I have spoken My Heart with you Now, and this is what I am on this planet for after all, so if you are going to take me seriously or not, well, your Choice. if you want to think FOR YOURSELVES ALL THIS,EVEN BETTER. YOUR CHOICE. ALWAYS. Oh, also you all are probably gonna get really pissed off on me for saying all this, GOOD. I DO NOT CARE, LET IT OUT.I CAN TAKE IT ALL, WHATEVER. TRUTH WILL FIRST PISS YOU OFF BUT THEN WILL SET YOU FREE, REMEMBER? ;-)


P.S: Amy, remember when I told you I feel stuck all the time?! Well this is why, I figured.Just like you, I did get myself stuck, I can totally admit that, but I can't be hard on myself. It was all so tricky. I am moving into Reality now, which is truly UNCONDITIONAL LOVE ONLY .  im not blaming any of you obviously, it was definitely such a GROWTH experience. Very complex. ( Which is not always Ego, btw). ALSO that's why there are so many people coming, seeing the bullshit, speaking the truth and calling your egos, and you completely IGNORE them, of course they leave. We all (the ones who left) are probably supposed to assist you guys in waking the hell up from your unconsciousness, BUST THIS WHOLE DYSFUNCTIONAL SYSTEM and just have to stop being ignorant and GO WITHIN COMPLETELY FEEL THE TRUTH It's gonna get pretty clear soon anyways, for each and every one of you, well hopefully. I mean it just keeps dissolving and all the signs are there if you truly are opened to them. Like Silver's train keeps getting canceled? filled not going there either. This is all so not Love supported anymore. LOL Maybe that's why everybody(the angels, AAs are with Silver right now cause they know it's completely fucked up for him to go there, but oh well,I do respect everybody's journey.Anyways, REALITY=UNCONDITIONAL LOVE NOW.  TRUST LOVE and Stop Pretending.

Oh and Will, I just remembered did you heard yourself when you said "Do we want quantity or quality people?!" LOL I do not understand how no one said anything about how fucked up that is. It's like Hitler saying I want only blonde people with blue eyes. See ?! IT'S HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF BUT GENTLER. Jesus fucking christ im so out of here. Have fun with your illusions, well, Im not sure how much longer its gonna last. SHit's coming up obviously.

 "Truth is Unpopular.." LOL Well good, Im making it popular. There'd still be a little more fucked up things I've observed but oh well, i've already spoke a lot. Do not want to get you bored, cause boredom is ego. *AHEEM*



I DO LOVE YOU ALL UNCONDITIONALLY AND WE ARE STILL CONNECTED NO MATTER WHAT OBVIOUSLY! And you do know where to find me if you want to talk to me about whatever, I do know what UNCONDITIONAL feels like.I AM UNCONDITIONAL. ;-)  BIG HUGS

Amy & Amerith as GOD
Feb 24, 2013
From the front porch on Butterfly Ave, Dunsmuir, CA

Who is in inside the house?

Who took these pics?



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