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Criminal Master Manipulator Miguel

Miguel Lamboy, Will Harader, Ameith Whiteagle, The Galactic Free Press, Love Has Won Exposed 2.0, Amy Carlson, Love Has Won Cult

Miguel Lamboy

Silver, Michael Silver,

Archangel Michael

Chief Financial & Technology Officer

FCGCT / Love Has Won

Master Manipulator

Miguel saw an opportunity to make money with What the Galactic Free Press was trying to do, and a young woman who would play any role he needed her to play, as long as he continued to feed her addictions, therefore enforcing the delusions that made him money.

Amy was manipulated into believing she was mother god, via Amerith, Will & Miguel.

When Miguel got her for himself, he was able to really push hard to keep her in delusion and bring in others just support that.

Miguel got exactly what he wanted. 

He encouraged Amy to be out of control And Demanded they're followers accept whatever she did because she was GOD Handling all the pain from all of us, eight billion people. 


Miguel also provided everything to be sure that Amy had all the substances she needed to remain erratic while she played god.


If at any time, Miguel saw a problem like the torturing of a cat or a couple of children, couple punches in the face,  he could have left, but he didn't. He sat there and defended the actions since Amy cured his stage four cancer that he never had. 


Miguel has been with this group since it was the galactic free press in 2011.

Miguel knew exactly what was happening, and he continued to use it for his own personal financial gain.

That was exactly his plan.


Miguel tried to continue selling products under His website, 

AFTER he reported Amy's death in an attempt to implicate everybody else.


The website is recently dead 




Date:           April 1, 2020

RE:                Unapproved and Misbranded Products Related to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Miguel Lamboy, FDA, Gaia's Whole Healing Essentials, LLC

​Jul 19, 2011 recruiting interview call
Is that Miguel on the phone at the end of the Galactic Free Press
IN 2011??


Galactic free press Jul 19, 2011


WHO are the voices in addition to Amy who's conducting the the actual recruiting interview?


Is that Amerith & Will in the background feeding Amy QUESTIONS??


Why does Miguel say he already left Brooklyn and joined them?


Why did they not publicly welcome him to the team till 2013?


Most EVERYTHING has been deleted from the Galactic Free Press prior to 2014. Why Will???


Most EVERYTHING prior to 2014 before Miguel appears in Dunsmuir to "rescue" Amy, was also deleted from the Love Has Won site. Why Miguel???


Miguel Lamboy, Will Harader, Ameith Whiteagle, The Galactic Free Press, Love Has Won Exposed 2.0, Amy Carlson, Love Has Won Cult

Miguel was with the galactic Free Press long before he actually went on the tiny chat love parties claiming Amy healed him of stage 4 cancer! Amy and Miguel left Dunsmuir after Amarth claimed a second Twin flame, Amy tried several times for her own second including with a 17 year old Kai, (not real name) that failed... Then they took Odie (not reeal name)with then and robbed her blind stealing her credit card funds to buy Amy pretty prom dresses! Prior to that Amy wore the same jeans every single day the same shirt the same pink hat and never bathed while she blew snot rockets, So when Avigale / Faith and Ashley / Hope were tending to her like she was in a spa she ate it up! They were never actually in Mount shasta, they were in Dunsmuir which is about 6 mi from Mount shasta. When they left dunsmuir with miguel, Michael silver, Archangel Michael they went on to other places.


How do I know? I was there!

Miguel heavily encouraged and assisted Amy with her alcohol & substance abuse when he "rescued her". This was during the time she was trying to put on a new spiritual costume wearing the dangling necklace on her forehead and trying to use prayer hands. They got Abigail onboard that since she could also see right thru it to the con.


Amy was not encouraged to over drink with Amerith & Will since she became so destructive when she drank. Hence her getting locked in the closet, etc.

Their thing was more weed & psychedelics Which is why they were able to baptize Kai in the river in Dunsmuir on Butterfly, during an extreme mushroom trip where he was their first Jesus,,, He was only 17. (not using real names unless they are crucial to the crimes)

Rinsing and spitting colloidal silver, as directed, was the norm, not drinking it.


Amerith was verbally & publicly brutality abusive to Amy under the term unconditional love.


Miguel used her illness & addictions for personal gain.

Amy was physically much healthier when she was blowing snot rockets and not bathing during the abuse she took from Amerith... self-proclaimed White Eagle and father God who has never had a coherent sentence until the clips on the HBO documentary which he obviously cleaned up for

Miguel Lamboy, Will Harader, Ameith Whiteagle, The Galactic Free Press, Love Has Won Exposed 2.0, Amy Carlson, Love Has Won Cult

Why did Miguel omit his true long history with Amy, And the many names he is gone by?


Why did Miguel give Amy's name as Lia? (a name she hasn't used since she became Mother God at the Galactic Free Press).


Why did he not give her name as Mother God, the standard title he used when referencing Amy? He did give her name as Amy Carlson, finally.


Why did Miguel not tell them his "son's" mother, Avigale / Faith as his 1st long time recruit into love has won, is still active in the group, and mother of said child?


Why did Miguel say he's not spoken to "them" in months When he is the only one that had access to money to support his business ventures with love has one, since Amy TRUSTED him?


Why did Miguel not ask about the welfare and whereabouts of his "son", during that entire interview? Why did Miguel not tell the police about how he recruited Avigale / Faith, and that she witnessed Amy levitate?


Why did Miguel not say that he knew Amy was god, As he preached to all his followers for financial gain?


Why did Miguel not tell the officers that he demanded that followers cut ties with their families during his "report" of a dead body in his house??


Miguel Lamboy, Will Harader, Ameith Whiteagle, The Galactic Free Press, Love Has Won Exposed 2.0, Amy Carlson, body cam footage, Love Has Won Cult

Miguel Lies: alibi interrogation




Originally Posted by BS. guru mag


Miguel demands follower cut ties with family

Posted by Rising Above Love Has Won

Who's baby did Miguel say has no soul? HIS!

Where are all the DAILY video's when Avigail was pregnant with your DONATION Miguel?

Why did Miguel not become Father God #2 ?

Amy was looking for a dude with the most muscle tone willing to join her shit show. Hence Jason NEVER wearing a shirt. I didn't say he was attractive. I said he had more physical physique to display as her slave, while still being needy enough... He was the only one she could find that would take the job that could still do push-ups


Amerith is old, saggy and wrinkled with zero muscle...she was looking for an upgrade to rub in his face. Miguel (and the others) didn't fit her physical needs. Miguel did not show off well without a shirt. Probably a little shy downstairs too...


Do you think Miguel was jealous after he arrived to "rescue" Amy?


Was Miguel thinking he was gonna be the next Father God, to only be downgraded as the money & tech guy,,, just like Will?


Was that a solid motive to grab the money and run at the earliest opportunity, made easier as he continued to contribute to her death?

Amy could heal Miguel from stage 4 cancer,

but she couldn't heal herself?

Yes Ryan / El Moyra, why is that?

cuz its stage 5 cancer?

Miguel NEVER had ANY cancer!

Amy NEVER had ANY cancer!

Miguel Lamboy, Michael Silver, the trusted archangel Michael, director of finances, and Amy's 2nd father god, almost,,,

Along with he and Amy's first profitable recruit Avigail Lowes / Faith, the witness to Amy levitating,,, who used that false testimony to recruit anybody that came after her, BOTH SPLIT just prior to Amy's death...



It was Miguel's "investment"

Miguel Lamboy, Will Harader, Ameith Whiteagle, The Galactic Free Press, Love Has Won Exposed 2.0, Amy Carlson, Love Has Won Cult
Miguel Lamboy, Will Harader, Ameith Whiteagle, The Galactic Free Press, Love Has Won Exposed 2.0, Amy Carlson, Love Has Won Cult

Miguel should be in prison.


No question about it. He used a very unstable person for personal financial gain. He collected unstable people for her to keep the money coming in, for his continued Financial gain.


Where is he now?


We all know he took the money.


He admitted to being Amy's trusted Financial confidant and holder of all assets (due to her inability to get an ID.)


He lied when he left Moffitt and drove 70 miles to a police department when he found Army's dead body in his house where his son was being held hostage, the Son that he never wanted.


The son he never brought up during the entire interrogation, that he never questioned about his safety in his absence while he's being held hostage with a dead body....


He lied during his interrogation as to How Deeply he was embedded with this group and what his actual role was.


He lied about not knowing Amy was dead. Of course he knew she was dead! They couldn't go one day without getting input, direction, or finances from him, even if he lived in a different building in another state.


He may not have known they were on their way to his house, because Jason was flipping out after Miguel stole the money but that's another story.


Why did he stop and drop off a computer at some random friend's house? What's the real reason? What was on that computer that he had to get rid of it, before he went to the police department to file his report?


Yes. Jason should also be in prison for his verbal and physical assaults on several people (and children) which of course you've seen those videos. There are other instances, that we all know are not publicly available.


Avigale / Faith should also be in prison for the massive roll she played in ALL OF THIS as she was the first recruit of Amy & Miguel that was alredy prepped and ready for a long con, making it super easy for them to fill the house with all the neophytes that came from her belligerent rants about people getting to "MOM".



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